The Lab Cycle: Esco Scientific Quarterly Newsletter - Issue 6, Jul - Sep 2021
Esco Scientific’s The Lab Cycle Newsletter Issue 6 is out!
In this issue, we addressed various topics including the health concerns that may arise despite staying at home when exposed to indoor air pollutants. Esco proudly offers the new Air Purification Technologies to keep an allergen-free environment ideal for offices, workplaces, and homes. Get to know more about the new features of a high-quality CO2 Incubator, maximizing an ULPA filter, and the toxic effects of Formalin and how to contain it.
Esco Lifesciences’ commitment to providing a healthier environment does not only reflect in the products and services that we offer. We also aim to establish and strengthen our Corporate Social Responsibility as part of our dedication to serve our customers and the community we operate in.
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