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Ducted Fume Hood

ProductsDucted Fume Hood › Frontier® Acela Mining

Frontier® Acela Mining


Frontier® Acela Mining

Esco Frontier® Acela™ Mining (EFA-M) is a ducted fume hood designed specifically for users in the mining industry. It has a 100mm deeper workzone to help contain chemical splashes and spills from highly corrosive chemicals.

Each EFA-M Fume Hood comes standard with:

  • 1 x Water Enhanz™ Remote Controlled Fixture Plumbed to the Top
  • 1 x Gas Enhanz™ Remote Controlled Fixture Plumbed to the Top
  • 4 x Single Electrical Outlet with Splash Proof Cover

*This cabinet requires an external blower (sold separately)


Tri-Wall Construction

  • Triple layer for maximum robustness and durability

Generous Inner Work Depth

  • Inner work depth is 100 mm deeper compared to conventional hoods
  • This design helps in containing leaks and chemical splashes during analysis

Sash Angled Front

  • 5° slope minimizes glares and reflections
  • Allows users to work further into the hood without strain

Ceramic Worktop

  • Provides best-in-class resistance to corrosive acids and extreme high temperatures.

Isocide™ Antimicrobial Powder Coating

  • Eliminates 99.9% of surface bacteria within 24 hours of exposure


Item CodeModel CodeDescription
EFA-M with Esco Resinate Plus Liner and Vertical Sash
2090567EFA-4UMUVW-8Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 4ft/1.2m, 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2090573EFA-4UMUVW-9Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 4ft/1.2m, 110-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2090362EFA-5UMUVW-8Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 5ft/1.5m, 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2090574EFA-5UMUVW-9Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 5ft/1.5m, 110-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2090568EFA-6UMUVW-8Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 6ft/1.8m, 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2090575EFA-6UMUVW-9Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 6ft/1.8m, 110-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2090569EFA-8UMUVW-8Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 8ft/2.4m, 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2090576EFA-8UMUVW-9Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 8ft/2.4m, 110-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz
EFA with Esco Resinate Plus Liner and Combination Sash
2090577EFA-4UMUCW-9Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 4ft/1.2m, 110-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2090570EFA-5UMUCW-8Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 4ft/1.2m, 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2090578EFA-5UMUCW-9Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 5ft/1.5m, 110-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2090571EFA-6UMUCW-8Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 5ft/1.5m, 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
2090579EFA-6UMUCW-9Esco Frontier® Acela Fume Hood - M Series, 6ft/1.8m, 110-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz


Item CodeModel CodeDescription
Service Fixture (Max of 6 add-ons, factory fitted)
5170266SFA-EWService Fixture Set for Water
5170408SFA-EHWService Fixture Set for Hot Water
5170416SFA-EDIService Fixture Set for DI Water
5170406SFA-EHService Fixture Set for Hydrogen
5170265SFA-EGService Fixture Set for Gas
5170306SFA-EVService Fixture Set for Vacuum
5170313SFA-ENService Fixture Set for Nitrogen
5170440SFA-EOService Fixture Set for Oxygen
5170275SFA-ECService Fixture Set for Compressed Air
5170433SFA-ECO2Service Fixture Set for CO2
5170274SFA-EAService Fixture Set for Argon
Base Cabinet
2090600EBA-4UMG-0EBA Base Cabinet for 4' Fume Hood, for EFA-M series
2090601EBA-5UMG-0EBA Base Cabinet for 5' Fume Hood, for EFA-M series
2090602EBA-6UMG-0EBA Base Cabinet for 6' Fume Hood, for EFA-M series
2090603EBA-8UMG-0EBA Base Cabinet for 8' Fume Hood, for EFA-M series
5170022VK-EBAVent Kit for EBA Base Cabinet (1 Required for 4' Base Cabinet and 2 for Other Sizes), Field Installed
5170023FP-EBADFiller Panel Kit for EBA Base Cabinet, Set of 2 (Left and Right), Field Installed
Distillation Grid
5170135DG-4USDistillation Grid Kit for EFA-4, SS304
5170136DG-5USDistillation Grid Kit for EFA-5, SS304
5170137DG-6USDistillation Grid Kit for EFA-6, SS304
5170138DG-8USDistillation Grid Kit for EFA-8, SS304
Exhaust Blower
1110105EQR/FC-FAN-PP025PP025 Exhaust Fan
1110087EQR/FC-FAN-PP030PP030 Exhaust Fan
5170359SIC-DCOval Ceramic Drip-Cup for Ceramic Worktop
5070084SXL-EFASentinel XL Airflow Monitor, Field Installed
EOElectrical outlet

Catalogs and Brochures

Sentinel XL Airflow Monitor Brochure

Exhaust Blower Brochure

Esco Ducted Fume Hood Tri-fold Brochure

Frontier® Ducted Fume Hood Combined Catalog


Fume Hood Installation Guide, Maintenance,
and Safety Tips

Fume Hood Maintenance Tips and Procedure

Working Safely with Ducted Fume Hoods Poster

Fueling the Future

Everything You Need to Know Before Purchasing Fume Hoods

Esco Hood Selection Guide

The Anatomy of a Ducted Fume Hood
